Is strawberry good for eyes?

The strawberry is one of the healthiest fruit and also known as queen of fruits in Asian countries because of its health benefits. Strawberries are used in food including ice creams, jams, chocolates and even in medicines for their extraordinary rich flavor, taste and color. With increased in age and a lack of these protective nutrients, the harmful oxidants or free radicals can cause heavy damage on our eyes such as dry eyes, degeneration of optical nerve, vision defects and increased susceptibility to infections, there are antioxidants in strawberries such as elagic acid, flavonoids etc which can help to avoid these situations to a large extent. Strawberries can also fix ocular pressure which mean the pressure within the eyes. Any disturbance in this pressure can be harmful for the eyes, strawberries are helpful because they contain potassium which helps to maintain the correct pressure. 


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