What are the benefits of Muira Puama?

Muira puama is one among the most active botanical, with a long history of ancient use as an energy tonic, general health improver, and remedy for impotence and sexual insufficiency. The short term effects of Muira Puama include increasing blood flow to the pelvic area, aiding erections in men as well as sensation and orgasm in women. The future effects include the production of sex hormones in both sexes. it has no noted side effects though, as with several sexual stimulants, it will slightly raise blood pressure. Muira Puama has also been used for stress management, system stimulation and for general overall health. It seemed to improve physical attraction and sexual perform. it's been used to tonify the system and to treat cases of gentle exhaustion. It may facilitate with gastrointestinal and reproductive disorders, whereas it's anti-rheumatic properties are used for treating stress and trauma. it's additionally been seen to help people that suffer from upset stomach, joint pain, paralysis and act as an appetite stimulant.


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