What are the benefits of Asian pears?

Asian pears are similar to Apples and are low in calories, high in fiber and contain micro nutrients which are essential for bone, blood and cardiovascular health. This fruit is added to soups, sandwiches and salads. Asian pears also contain a significant amount of soluble fiber, the type that promotes normal cholesterol levels. They’re an especially good source of pectin, a type of soluble fiber that’s effective at reducing high cholesterol levels because it binds to cholesterol and removes it from your body through waste. Keeping your cholesterol under control can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease substantially. As a good source of potassium, Asian pears help protect against high blood pressure, which also decreases the risk of heart disease. The significant amount of copper provided by Asian pears may also support heart health. Asian pears are a better source of fiber than other common fruits like grapes, bananas etc. This type of fiber absorbs water and helps sweep waste through your intestinal tract more efficiently. Getting enough insoluble fiber in your diet, when combined with an adequate fluid intake, helps your digestive system run smoothly and produce regular, easy-to-pass bowel movements. 


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