What are the benefits of Chayote?

Chayote is an abundant source of folate and vitamin C. Folate is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for female fertility and cancer prevention. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, which may increase the risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer. A high-fiber diet helps treat constipation and normalize bowel movements. Eating chayote is a good way to increase your fiber consumption. Fiber also helps control blood sugar level particularly helpful for diabetics and lowers cholesterol, which promotes a healthier cardiovascular system. It helps in losing weight because of high water content and fiber help keep you fuller for longer without taking in a lot of calories. Herbal tea made with chayote leaves is used for lowering high blood pressure, dissolving kidney stones and treating atherosclerosis, or even hardening of the arteries. Raw pulp of this fruit is calming for skin rashes and roasted leaves used in the suppuration of boils.


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