Why is asparagus good for you?

Asparagus is a nutrient-packed supply of vitamins, minerals and essential protein. Asparagus contains a very low quantity of calories with no cholesterol and is low in sodium also. The presence of vitamin B in asparagus helps in maintaining healthy levels of homocysteine, that is made within the blood when an amino acid breaks down within the body. vitamin B is also responsible for the metabolism of starches and sugars within the body and thus helps in maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar. The high folate content in asparagus aids in reducing the danger of low birth weight and birth defects during pregnancy. Asparagus is also a good supplier of dietary fiber that facilitate within the smooth functioning of the bowels, keeping bloating and constipation cornered. along with healthy digestion, fiber additionally helps in lowering the cholesterol level of the body. Asparagus extract contains essential amino acids which will prove effective in curing hangovers. Leaves and shoots of asparagus contain good quantity of inorganic mineral content, that also aid within the protection of the liver cells from the harmful effects of alcohol. Asparagus is a supply of vitamin A, that is important for good vision. due to the presence of antioxidants, it helps in defending the retina from the harm caused by the oxygen-free radicals.


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