What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

Sesame seeds are considered the oldest oil seed crop within the world and are very useful for health.  It contain high levels of metal, an important element within the formation of collagen, that strengthens muscle tissue, hair and skin. The impressive levels of essential minerals like zinc, calcium, and phosphorous that are found in sesame seeds can be a major boost for for your body’s bone health. These minerals are integral parts in creating new bone matter, and strengthening/repairing bones that may be weakened by injury or the onset of debilitating bone conditions. It contains significant amount of fiber which is an important element in healthy digestion, as it bulks up bowel movements and helps them move through the digestive tract. Fiber also works for your heart, by scraping out bad cholesterol from arteries and blood vessels, thereby protecting against heart attacks, and strokes. Sesame seeds contain a high amount of protein which is broken down and reassembled from its component parts into usable proteins for the human body. This adds to overall strength, healthy cellular growth, mobility, energy levels and metabolic function. But make one thing sure that excessive consumption of sesame seeds can cause irritation in the stomach and colon.


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