What are benefits of pineapple?

Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C and is eaten fresh, juiced, cooked and preserved and their leaves are even used for wallpaper and ceiling insulation. If someone is suffering from asthma issues, its helps in preventing this problem. As a source of vitamin C it helps combat the formation of free radicals best-known to cause cancer. vitamin C is especially associated with reducing sicknesses and boosting the system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant to defend against the harmful effects of free radicals. High vitamin C content helps you heal wounds and injuries to the body quickly, together with defending against infections and health problem. It even have a source of manganese that is another trace mineral that's essential within the strengthening of bones, also as their growth and repair. manganese is the most outstanding mineral in pineapple, and one serving will deliver more than 70th of your daily demand of this essential mineral. Pineapples even have astringent properties, that strengthen gums and confirm that your teeth don't become loose. Astringent agents facilitate to bound tissues and tone the body thus things like tooth loss, hair loss and muscle weakness or skin loosening doesn't occur. Pineapples are very powerful astringents and are typically prescribed as a natural remedy to repair loosening of teeth or for the retraction of gums.


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