Are green peas good for you?

Peas are a powerhouse of nutrition that are a boon for your health. they're also contain a good quantity of fiber and antioxidants. High levels of antioxidants in peas stop many reactions within the body which will cause serious diseases. they're rich sources of the many minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese etc. which reinforces the system of your body. Peas also are useful in anti-aging of the skin. The antioxidants that are present in it like flavonoids, catechin, epicatechin, carotenoid, alpha carotene etc. are useful in preventing the aging method of your skin and tends to supply a natural glow to the skin. High fiber and protein content in peas makes sugar digestion slower. Peas don't contain any further sugars like white sugar or chemicals and thus, it allows blood sugar regulation within the body. The high dietary fiber content of peas makes them a good digestion aid. The fiber also improves the metabolism of the body normally by rising digestion. Peas have adequate quantity of anti-oxidant flavonoids like lutein, carotenes, zea-xanthin as well as vitamin-A. Vitamin A is one of the essential nutrients that are needed for maintaining the health of secretion membranes, skin and eye-sight. you can boil some peas and grind to form a paste. Apply this everywhere your body and face. Cleansing with this paste can give you with a glowing skin. To soothe the burning sensation, you can apply a paste of fresh green peas on the burnt area.


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